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主(協)辦單位 國家發展委員會 內政部 外交部 財政部 教育部 經濟部 衛生福利部 文化部 勞動部 僑務委員會 大陸委員會

(四)放寬退休、健保及租稅相關規定 Relaxation concerning retirement, National Health Insurance, and tax

發布於  2017-01-04  截止於  2017-03-06 


留言總數 14 留言 3 已關注


Relaxations concerning retirement, National Health Insurance, and tax


In respect of relaxing the law pertaining to retirement, National Health Insurance, and tax, the plan of this draft Act is as follows,


Permanent resident foreign professionals may join the new labor pension system.


Foreign nationals who are currently employed as full-time, qualified, paid teachers within the authorized manning strength of public schools, and who have obtained permanent residence, may on retirement opt for either a one-time lump-sum pension or a monthly pension.


A foreign professional’s spouse, minor children and infants born in Taiwan are not subject to the 6-month wait period for inclusion in NHI coverage.


During their first 3 years of coming to work in Taiwan, foreign special professionals can have half of the part of their salary above NT$2 million excluded from taxation each year.



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詳細條文內容請詳附件。For more details, please refer to the draft Act as attached.
