PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Notice is hereby given, to commence a period of public comments for the draft amendment on Article 2 and 2-1 of "Regulations for Qualification, Examination, Training, Certification and Management of Professional Procurement Personnel"
PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION COMMISSION, EXECUTIVE YUAN Order is hereby given, for the amendment on Article 2 and 2-1 of "Regulations for Qualification, Examination, Training, Certification and Management of Professional Procurement Personnel"
民眾 KOKO 君對第2條所提意見,本會說明如下: 倘將現行第2條所訂採購事項,刪除「宜」由採購專業人員為之,而逕規定一定金額以上之採購應由採購專業人員承辦、審核、協辦或會辦,將有未達一定金額之採購,即無須由採購專業人員承辦、審核、協辦或會辦之意,二者有明顯程度上差異,現行規定尚非如所述毫無規範意義。