MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Notice is hereby given, to commence a period of public comments for drafting "Regulations of the Health Risk Assessment Review"
MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Order is hereby given, for the promulgation of "Regulations of the Health Risk Assessment Review of Designated Tobacco Products" (regulations take into force from 22nd, March 2023) (former name: Regulations of the Health Risk Assessment Review)
一、查美國菸品上市前申請(premarket tobacco product application,PMTA)之管理規定,要求業者提交之資料,包括產品對使用者及非使用者之潛在風險,以及產品是否具備不同於其他菸品之風險(The potential risk of the tobacco product to users and nonusers,…, and whether the product may present different risks than other tobacco products,…)。
第三條第一項第六款 成癮性物質之研究資料。
一、查(1)美國PMTA之管理規定,要求業者提交產品對使用者之菸草使用行為之影響(Impacts on tobacco use behavior of tobacco product users);(2)英國新菸品上市前通知(notification of novel tobacco products)之管理規定,要求業者提報產品毒性、成癮性(addictiveness)、吸引力(attractiveness)之相關研究,尤其針對菸品成分及排放物。
一、世界衛生組織菸草控制框架公約(WHO FCTC)第8次締約方會議(COP8),建議防止大眾開始使用包括加熱菸在內之新類型菸品(prevent the initiation of novel and emerging tobacco products)。
二、查(1)美國PMTA之管理規定,要求業者提交產品對青少年、年輕人在內之非使用者之初始菸草使用之影響(Impacts on tobacco use initiation by nonusers, including youth, young adults, and other relevant vulnerable populations);(2)英國新菸品上市前通知之管理規定,要求業者提報產品對開始使用菸草之預期影響(the expected effects of the product on the initiation of tobacco consumption),以及使用者及潛在使用者對產品之預期觀感(the predicted perception of the product by consumers and potential consumers)等資料。
一、COP8會議建議締約國,管制及揭露新類型菸品之成分(to regulate the contents and the disclosure of the contents of novel and emerging tobacco products in accordance with Articles 9 and 10 of the WHO FCTC),且美國、英國皆有要求業者提交產品排放物成分(包括尼古丁、焦油等)之規定。