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主(協)辦單位 衛生福利部 衛生福利部社會及家庭署


MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Notice is hereby given, to commence a period of public comments for drafting regulations governing: items should be recorded and not recorded on the stereotyped contract for long-term care service organization of institutional accommodation service category, items should be recorded and not recorded on the stereotyped contract for long-term care service organization of community service category, and items should be recorded and not recorded on the stereotyped contract for long-term care service organization of home service category

發布於 2018-01-15 截止於 2018-01-29


留言總數 0留言 0 已關注

衛生福利部公告 中華民國10719

主  旨:預告訂定「機構住宿式服務類長照服務機構定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」、「社區式服務類長照服務機構定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」、「居家式服務類長照服務機構定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項」。

依  據:行政程序法第一百五十四條第一項。






() 承辦單位:衛生福利部社會及家庭署

() 地址:臺中市南屯區黎明路二段5035

() 電話:(04)22500805

() 傳真:(04)22502899

() 電子信箱:[email protected]

部  長 陳時中


機構住宿式服務類長照服務機構定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項草案總說明及逐條說明 請參見PDF

社區式服務類長照服務機構定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項草案總說明及逐條說明 請參見PDF

居家式服務類長照服務機構定型化契約應記載及不得記載事項草案總說明及逐條說明 請參見PDF



衛生福利部 中華民國113年3月15日 衛部顧字第1131960464號


MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Notice is hereby given, for the promulgation of "Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Contracts for Long-Term Care Service Organization of Home Service Category" (former name: Items Should Be Recorded and Not Recorded on the Stereotyped Contract for Long-Term Care Service Organization of Home Service Category), "Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Contracts for Long-Term Care Service Organization of Community Service Category" (former name: Items Should Be Recorded and Not Recorded on the Stereotyped Contract for Long-Term Care Service Organization of Community Service Category) and "Mandatory and Prohibitory Provisions of Standard Contracts for Long-Term Care Service Organization of Institutional Accommodation Service Category" (former name: Items Should Be Recorded and Not Recorded on the Stereotyped Contract for Long-Term Care Service Organization of Institutional Accommodation Service Category) (promulgation becomes effective from 15th, March 2024)
