發布於 2017-01-04 截止於 2017-03-06
16 留言
In respect of relaxing the law pertaining to visitor stays, permanent residence and work for spouses and children, the plan of this draft Act is as follows,
Issuance of family visit visas for lineal ascendants of special professionals to allow stay of up to one year each time.
2.針對取得永久居留權的外國專業人才成年子女,符合延長居留條件者,得申請個人工作許可。 (原需由雇主申請)
If the adult children of a permanent resident foreign professional meet specified conditions as to length of residence, they may apply for a personal work permit. (Work permits were applied by employers before.)
The spouse and minor children of a senior professional may apply for permanent residence together with the senior professional. (Definition of senior professional is the same as one in the Immigration Act
After a foreign professional has obtained permanent residence, their spouse and minor children who have lawfully resided in Taiwan for 5 years may apply for permanent residence, and need no proof of financial ability.
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詳細條文內容請詳附件。For more details, please refer to the draft Act as attached.