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提議者 蔡智婷

已附議167 (時間已截止)



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請願書介紹 (Introduction of petition)

環境議題在台灣一直都是一個被重視的問題。其中一個主要環境汙染來源便是一次性塑膠餐具的使用,為了減少大眾對於這種難以自然降解的物品之使用,STay ECO致力於讓台灣的學生們也能夠加入保護環境的活動。我們的創辦人蔡智婷和STay ECO團員們希望能透過公共請願的方式,讓學生族群有機會挑起環境保護的一根大樑。透過減少台灣校園環境中所使用的一次性塑膠餐具,來解決愈發嚴重的環境問題。我們認為,只需要小小的改變,便可以對世界帶來莫大的影響,因此我們需要你們及台灣政府的支持。

The environmental situation in Taiwan has long been a concern. One of the major causes of the environmental degradation is the usage of disposable plastic utensils. To combat the excessive usage of items that are difficult to decompose and harmful to nature, STay ECO works to let students in Taiwan participate in environmental protection activities. Our founder Ting Tsai and fellow members of STay ECO wish to initiate a petition that offers students the opportunity to take the responsibility to protect our land. Specifically, we hope to mitigate our environmental situation by reducing disposable plastic utensils in school campuses in Taiwan. As part of our goal, we hope to make small changes into big impacts with the support of our government.

資源回收 (Recycling)



Recycling is an important and essential action that can allow us to create a better environment for future generations. People need to be educated on recycling and its importance from a young age. However, many students are still not fully aware of how to recycle, as well as its significance. That’s why we propose solutions that can improve school environments such as:


One method to encourage and motivate recycling in schools is to introduce class competitions for students to actively participate in. This would allow effective actions to be taken in a short period of time to help improve the status quo of our environment.


There should be a student run committee in schools to raise awareness on various topics relating to the environment as essential to school life. This committee would then serve as a reliable foundation to keep the school and students informed and also provide students with opportunities to improve our environment together.


Teachers should also be encouraged to ensure that students are well aware of recycling, such as by introducing speakers who make meaningful speeches about the related topics and their careers since this may be very beneficial to the students.


There should also be posters, engaging videos, and artwork that promote environmental awareness and enable students to express themselves in the work that they do. They may also help with raising awareness of the importance of recycling so that more students will know how to recycle properly. School art competitions can also promote the use of artistic talents and abilities to raise awareness about the environment.

五、政府跟學校可以舉辦抽獎提升參與率-- 學生們期待的抽獎活動可以消去很多人對廢棄物和垃圾消極的態度,所以藉由跟廢棄物再利用有關的抽獎活動,師生都可以縮短他們跟這話題的距離。

In addition, raffles or giveaways could be conducted at governmental and school events. These activities can effectively get people to participate by motivating them with awards.


Finally, it is important to use the same bins and symbols for each type of trash across campus so that students can easily sort them. For example, recycled paper could be placed in green bins while recycled glass could be placed in gray ones. These different bins may also be distinguished by visual symbols. This would help people with identifying the different types of trash and make it less time-consuming for the recycling station with sorting out different types of trash.

一次性餐具對環境的危害以及我們如何解決  (The environmental threat of single-use utensils and how we could resolve it)

「依統計資料顯示,國內外食人口每天約一七七零萬人次,平均每餐約六百萬人次,免洗餐具之 使用量每年約五•九萬噸,其中塑膠類(含保麗龍)免洗餐具之使用量每年約四•三萬 噸」(行政院主計處)。台灣每年的塑膠餐具使用量非常可觀,台灣行政院主計處的免洗餐具統計包括但不限於塑膠餐具,但保麗龍和紙製餐具之塑膠膜都屬於環境無法消化的材質之一,因此本文將統一稱之為免洗餐具並統一討論。

According to the Accounting and Accounting Office of the Executive Yuan, there are about “17.7 million people eating outside from restaurants every day, 6 million people eating out per meal, and 50,000 to 90,000 tons of disposable utensils being emitted per year.” (Accounting and Accounting Office, Executive Yuan). The annual consumption of plastic utensils in Taiwan is huge. The statistics of disposable utensils gathered by the Accounting Office of the Taiwan Executive Yuan include but are not limited to plastic utensils. Because the plastic film of styrofoam and paper utensils is one of the materials that cannot be digested by the environment, they are just single-use utensils.


The most serious problem caused by disposable utensils is the destruction of marine ecology. Every year, a large amount of disposable utensils that are not properly disposed flows into the rivers and the sea. The garbage would hit against the river banks as it makes its way to the sea, causing damage. Plastics cannot be decomposed. They will only disintegrate  from large pieces into small molecules, and eventually become particles that are so small that they are extremely difficult to remove. As they enter the marine food chain, they return back to humans when we eat fish.


When plastic waste flows into the sea, large amounts of waste will accumulate in the mangrove forest, which is where the river meets the sea. Mangroves have a high ecological value. It purifies water, stabilizes coastlines, and provides biological habitats. However, in recent years, Taiwan’s mangrove ecosystem has been seriously polluted by the large amount of plastic waste and disposable utensils accumulated on the mangrove mudflat. The polluted mangroves emit a stench and badly affect the entire ecosystem. Mangroves have an important position that cannot be ignored or replaced. Therefore, this is another reason why the issue of disposable utensils is a serious issue that must require attention.


Disposable utensils are often neglected during recycling and are not properly disposed of. Taking paper utensils as an example, although there is a recycling classification as “paper utensils,” it is still not commonly labeled as recyclable. Whether it is directly disposed of as general garbage or recycled as paper, it may eventually be sent to the incinerator, which causes serious air pollution. Burning plastic may produce dioxin and very tiny plastic particles, which float in the air. In 2019, a research shows, London residents inhaled up to 50,000 plastic particles every day on average. The Guardian reported in March 2022 that scientists found Plastic in human blood for the first time. Plastic particles can be drunk, eaten, or even inhaled. This is critical since the harm caused by plastic particles entering the lungs and blood is severe.


Microplastics are one of the biggest enemies of modern environmental damage, and there are many ways plastic can be produced. Taiwan has a large use of disposable tableware. In recent years beach cleaning waste has been up on the list. Therefore we must start to strictly examine disposable tableware specification and use.



1 免洗餐具對環境的引響 (Harms of disposing plastic utensils in natural environments)
   a. 海洋生態系破壞 (Polluting the ocean and involved ecosystems)
   b. 紅樹林汙染 (Polluting the mangroves and related habitats
   c. 空氣汙染像是如 NOx 和 VOCs 之類的懸浮粒子 (Increase of air pollutants such as but not limited to particulate matter, NOx, and VOCs)
   d. 環境中將充斥塑膠微粒 (Fill the environment with microplastic particles that are harmful towards the human body)

2. 解決辦法 (Solutions)
    a. 管制餐廳提供環保餐具並嚴格執行 (Request cafeterias to provide reusable utensils)
    b. 學校等公共場所細分資源回收分類 (Clearly mark the recycle bins in schools and public places)
    c. 學校宣導學生環保觀念 (Lecture about environmental friendly concepts in schools)
    d. 向民眾宣導免洗餐具的回收方法 (Raise public awareness of recycling plastic waste and single-use utensils)
    e. 鼓勵淨灘和紅樹林志工活動 (Encourage beach cleaning and other environment activities)


Environmental and trash issues are still ongoing in the campuses around Taiwan, and we wish to change that.


It is important to educate students about the environmental problems and recycling. Problems often result from a lack of knowledge. Therefore, it is important for people to learn more about the environmental problems prior to taking action environmentally to prevent people from doing a disservice.


The benefits for students recycling properly are significant. It is likely for the students to take their recycling and eco-friendly spirit back home or even to the future – their workplace! Schools will therefore become cleaner and more comfortable places to learn.

學校應該要標明或增加垃圾桶(回收桶) 在垃圾問題尤其嚴重的區域與總體校園區域。目前有些校園的垃圾桶可能一個星期只有清潔一次造成學生沒有垃圾筒倒垃圾,所以為了讓環境更衛生和乾淨,人們應該設置更多的垃圾桶或者更頻繁的清理垃圾桶。

Schools should either add more bins or clean the bins more regularly in areas that are more heavily concentrated with garbage. Currently, there are not enough bins for students to discard their waste because the trash is only cleaned out once per week. Therefore, to improve the sanitation and reduce the costs of cleaning the areas with trash discarded on the floor, people should either place more trash bins or, more preferably, clean the trash bins more often.

結論 (Conclusion)


To improve the school environments in Taiwan and promote sustainability, we should take action as a country together. This would also help improve the quality of our education and living status because cleanliness would help maintain the physical health and mental well-being of our students. Therefore, we would like you to consider voting for this petition. Thank you very much!


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