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提議者 Crossroads台灣全球連結發展協會

已附議1145 (時間已截止)



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Disability Inclusion: Calling for the Ministry of Health and Welfare to Officially Recognize Immigrants with Physical or Mental Disabilities and Provide Equal Access to Public Assistance, Relief, and Care 

“The disability has been gradual.  At first I could walk with a single walking cane, then I needed two of them. Before too long, I came to rely upon a four-legged walker needing the additional support that gave me. I collapsed unexpectedly and after hitting my head quite hard on the floor, again, I have ended up where I am now.  In a wheelchair.  All of this has happened within the last 12 months.” 

- Olivier, French resident of Taiwan for 22 years diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA)


“I am not allowed home visits by medical professionals to evaluate care needs (assistive devices, care technique..), no parking sticker for disability, no financial support for wheelchair taxi, no grants for the purchase of any assistive devices (wheelchair, electrical bed, mucus pump, oxygen tank...), no support to my wife who is taking care of me (沒有喘息服務), no information on therapist need, no support on public transportation fare (沒有敬老或殘障優惠)”

- Michael Boyden, UK resident of Taiwan for 34 years diagnosed with Atypical Parkinsonism

*我是來自南非的 Andrew,在臺灣居住了19年,被診斷出患有視網膜色素變性症,一種會導致失明的遺傳疾病。雖然有些基金會提供視障人士訓練課程、諮詢和社會照顧協助,但他們的服務僅限於有身心障礙證明者,因為沒有證明,我連申請導盲杖的資格也沒有。
"I am legally blind in both eyes with no functional vision. Some foundations offer training courses, counseling, and social care assistance to people with visual impairments, but their services are only for Taiwanese nationals. Assistive devices such as walking canes can be freely obtained, but only by local Taiwanese who are blind.”

- Andrew Klerck, South African resident of Taiwan for 19 years diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa, a genetic condition that causes blindness 


*我是一位在臺灣住了13年的美國人,我4歲女兒在臺灣出生患有腦性麻痺( Cerebral Palsy),但無法申請身心障礙證明,因此不能獲得醫生診斷或醫療設備的補助。
“This is for my 4 year old child born here (in Taiwan) - she is unable to get a disability certification, making her ineligible for subsidies for travel to doctors appointments or medical equipment.”

- U.S. resident of Taiwan for 13 years with daughter diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy



These are just a few accounts among the thousands of immigrants and their family members in Taiwan living with a physical or mental disability due to age, an accident, disease, or genetic factors. According to national (5.1%) and global (16%) proportions of disabled individuals, it is estimated that between 40,000 and 176,000 foreign residents in Taiwan live with a physical or mental disability.  However, due to current application procedures, all foreign residents, with the exception of those from 1 country, are prohibited from obtaining a Disability Certification, an official recognition of their disability, and needed public assistance and relief for disabled individuals. These include, but are not limited to, the ability to hire home care migrant workers, apply for needed economic assistance for costly medical equipment and services, enroll in special education, and even obtain a disability parking permit.  

衛生福利部應修改其申請身心障礙證明的相關規定,讓外籍身心障礙者能平等申請身心障礙證明,以落實《身心障礙者權利公約施行法 》第4條「各級政府機關行使職權,應符合公約有關身心障礙者權利保障之規定,避免侵害身心障礙者權利,保護身心障礙者不受他人侵害,並應積極促進各項身心障礙者權利之實現。」以及《身心障礙者權利公約》第12條「身心障礙者在法律之前獲得平等承認」。

This petition calls upon the Ministry of Health and Welfare to revise its application procedures to properly implement Article 4 of the Act to Implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which states that “Whenever exercising their functions all levels of government institutions and agencies should conform to the provisions in the Convention regarding rights of persons with disabilities; avoid violating the rights of persons with disabilities; protect the rights of all persons with disabilities from infringement by others; positively promote realization of human rights” and Article 12 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which stipulates equal recognition before the law for all persons with disabilities.



Providing Disability Certification to Immigrants with Disabilities is the Duty of the Country

Immigrants contribute their youth, experience, wisdom and energy to Taiwan - they pay taxes, contribute to the national revenue, and start companies that hire local employees. Taiwan cannot abandon them in the event they become disabled due to age, disease, an accident, or a genetic condition. The country has the duty to officially recognize people with disabilities so that they may access services and facilities that ensure equal opportunities to participate in society. 

If you are a disabled immigrant or caregiver of one in Taiwan, please show your support by signing this petition.  If you are comfortable, please feel free to share your experiences and stories in the comments section of this petition as well.

Demanding Reciprocity to Provide the Same Protections Offered by Other Countries to Taiwan Nationals
內政部在 87 年 3 月 23 日台(88)內社字第 8717934 號函釋說,只要住在國外的臺籍身心障礙者可以在當地申請身心障礙證明,基於互惠主義,住在臺灣該國的身心障礙者也可以申請身心障礙證明,但令人不解的是全世界有163個國家簽署聯合國《身心障礙者權利公約》且有181個國家施行公約,但至今仍然只有一個國家的身心障礙者能透過這個管道取得臺灣的身心障礙證明。如果你是身心障礙者或其親朋好友,請附議本案,因為你也不願意看到自己或親朋好友在國外被歧視。如果你是駐台使館、外國機構或國際友人,請附議本案並留言告訴我們,你的國家如何受理包括臺籍的外國身心障礙者申請身心障礙證明,並請提供相關規定的連結。

In an official document on March 23, 1987 labeled “台(88)內社字第 8717934 號”, the Ministry of the Interior states that as long as disabled Taiwanese nationals living abroad can apply for a disability certificate in that country of residence, immigrants from that country shall also be eligible for disability certification in Taiwan according to the principle of reciprocity.  Given that 163 countries have signed and 181 countries have implemented the United Nations Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, what is most puzzling is that only residents from 1 country have so far been allowed to use this avenue to obtain a disability certification in Taiwan.  

If you are an embassy or mission in Taiwan or a concerned global citizen, you may help support this cause by signing this petition as well as leaving a message in the comments section informing us whether your country allows disabled immigrants, particularly those of Taiwanese nationality, to apply for a disability certification and access relevant public services and benefits.  Any links to the relevant laws or regulations would also be helpful.  


Domestic Laws Bind Taiwan to Comply with International Conventions

我國在2014年公布《身心障礙者權利公約施行法 》後,聯合國大會在2006年12月13日決議通過的《身心障礙者權利公約》就具有國內法律之效力,特別是《身心障礙者權利公約 》第12條規定身心障礙者在法律之前獲得平等承認,然而衛福部卻沒有依照公約平等承認所有的身心障礙者,只發證明給本國籍和單一特定國籍的身心障礙者。行政院在2014年也成立了身心障礙者權益推動小組,再加上源起於1980年的《身心障礙者權益保障法》,維護身心障礙者之權益,保障其平等參與社會、政治、經濟、文化等之機會,促進其自立及發展,政府責無旁貸。


After Taiwan promulgated the Act to Implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in 2014, the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) passed by the United Nations General Assembly on December 13, 2006 became domestic law.  In particular, however, the Ministry of Health and Welfare has failed to comply with Article 12 of the CRPD, which stipulates equal recognition before the law for all persons with disabilities, by issuing disability certification only to Taiwanese nationals and immigrants from 1 foreign country.  In 2014, the Executive Yuan also established the Committee for the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Along with the People With Disabilities Rights Protection Act passed in 1980, the government is bound by duty to safeguard the rights and interests of disabled individuals, guarantee equal opportunities for them to participate in society, politics, the economy, and culture, and promote their self-reliance and development capabilities.   

If you are a professional in healthcare, education, or social welfare, please support this cause by signing our petition and sharing your experiences working with disabled immigrants in the comments section of this petition.  


Ensuring Strong National Development with a Friendly Environment for Immigrants with Disabilities 


Taiwan leads the world in many human rights and democracy indicators. With progressive values, its society is overall accepting to diverse genders, while its people enjoy freedom of the press, religion, and more. However, not recognizing the disabilities of foreigners with a disability certificate and providing relevant support is still an area that requires immediate improvement. As Taiwan experiences an aging population and talent shortage across its industries, this issue seriously impacts the willingness of foreign talents with disabilities or those who care for disabled family members to take up positions in Taiwan. In turn, this also affects the willingness of foreign companies to invest in our country. If you are a foreigner, foreign businessman, foreign chamber of commerce, or someone who cares about Taiwan's development, please support this cause and leave a message to emphasize the importance of caring for foreigners with disabilities to Taiwan's development.


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