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提議者 Crossroads台灣全球連結發展協會

已附議5576 (尚餘15日)



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<English Version Below>




  1. 情感層面:割捨與母國的連結,就像台灣人到他國就要割捨與台灣的情感,是個殘忍的要求
  2. 法律層面:部分國家甚至不允許其國民放棄國籍或者需經歷非常複雜與痛苦的法律程序
  3. 財務層面:部分國家要求繳納一筆龐大的金額才能放棄國籍




  1. 此倡議是國家長期發展與安全所必需的

  2. 此倡議是道德上的必然選擇

  3. 此倡議不會「沖淡」台灣的文化和身份,而是幫助台灣社會增添多元性和國際視角


Petition to Exempt Permanent Residents of Taiwan from Renouncing their Original Nationality(s) to Become Taiwan Citizens



We, the undersigned, hereby petition the Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) to  grant immigrants who have legally resided in Taiwan for more than 5 years as Permanent Residents a standardized pathway to naturalization without requiring them to renounce their original nationality(s).


By 2070, Taiwan's population is projected to drop by one-third from 23.4 million to 15-17 million, with nearly half (46%) being elderly individuals above the age of 65. As Taiwan’s population continues to shrink and age, this trend is already causing a talent shortage across industries, with 73% of employers in Taiwan reporting difficulties in hiring. It is also straining social systems, raising serious concerns for national development and economic security.

In recent years, the government has increasingly turned to immigration to help reverse this trend, focusing on new immigration pathways. Currently, there are approximately 887K immigrants in Taiwan, including 38K who have become Permanent Residents, or immigrants who have proven their commitment to Taiwan by legally residing here for an extensive and continuous period of time. Most have integrated seamlessly into Taiwanese communities, forming families, building careers, and participating actively in civic life.

However, though they pay taxes to support such systems, Permanent Residents lack equal access to many public services, assistance, and benefits afforded to citizens, as well as representation in public affairs. This positions Taiwan as a temporary destination rather than a home where immigrants can reside, contribute to the economy and culture, raise a family, participate in their local community, and add to the dwindling workforce of Taiwan for the long-term.  As a result, a comprehensive solution for long-term talent cultivation and population growth requires a reasonable pathway for the naturalization and integration of these long-term immigrants and their children.  

Currently, the laws of the Republic of China (Taiwan) requires foreign nationals seeking Taiwanese citizenship to submit a certificate of loss of original nationality.  However, requiring immigrants to give up their connection to their origin country poses significant challenges on both legal and human levels for Permanent Residents in Taiwan. Taiwan’s own policies allow overseas Taiwanese emigrants to retain their nationality when leaving and becoming citizens of other countries. The same considerations should be offered to long-term immigrants who have chosen Taiwan to be their home by residing in and contributing to its economy, culture, and social fabric. 

Advanced countries, such as the United States, Canada, France, Italy, the United Kingdom, and most recently Germany, all have standardized processes that allow immigrants to naturalize and become citizens without requiring renunciation. Amidst an intense global competition for talent, Taiwan has an opportunity to stand out in East Asia and present its warmth and openness to the integration of immigrants into its society. 

Why you should sign this petition: 

  1. The proposed reform is needed for the country’s long-term development and security
    a) Taiwan needs to properly prepare and meet the increasing impact of population decline and aging, one of the greatest challenges being faced by advanced countries around the world today.
    b) With an eased pathway to citizenship for immigrants and their children, the pool for military conscripts is also enlarged.
    c) As a welcoming country for immigrants to become a part of its society, Taiwan can utilize another source of soft power on the global stage.

  2. The proposed reform is the moral thing to do
    a) As a champion of human rights and democracy in Asia, Taiwan must take into consideration the human factors of the immigrant experience.  It should recognize the contributions and investment of time, emotions, and resources of those who voluntarily leave their original countries to commit to Taiwan for the long-term, regardless of their existing nationality.

  3. The proposed reform will not “wash away” Taiwanese culture and identity, but help add greater diversity and international perspective to Taiwanese society
    a) At present, there are only 38K Permanent Residents (0.1 percent of the total population). To become and remain a Permanent Resident, immigrants must remain in compliance with Taiwan’s legal procedures and pay taxes over an extended and continuous period of time.
    b) Naturalization tests proving sufficient knowledge and understanding of Taiwan’s cultures, history and languages will still need to be passed to obtain citizenship.

  4. The proposed reform needs to be completed soon
    a) Time is limited and the impact of this reform will take time to develop. As the impact of population decline and aging accelerates, so does Taiwan’s energy and capacity to make change and adapt in a versatile manner.  

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