提議者 Penny
已附議2368 (時間已截止)
Euthanasia Definition: Those who are 20-year-old, having the capacity to perform juristic act, and they are able to choose euthanasia. Health care workers will give them a prescription, preparing medicines, and the conscious ones will drink or press the injection button by themselves.
The limited range of people who want to choose euthanasia:
catastrophic illness(can’t maintain basic living conditions on one’s own)
senile dementia (ex. Alzheimer's disease)
major mental illness(restricted to major-level)
When people are 20-year-old and have the capacity to perform juristic act, realizing the regulations and limitations of euthanasia, whether they have catastrophic illness, senile dementia, or mental illness, being willing to sign euthanasia agreement, and the consent information for euthanasia can be read through the IC card.
Euthanasia means "good death". We believe that we can not only live a good life, but also can leave the world in peace.
Live better, leave better.